While our amyloidosis patient presentations have always been in-person, whether in class or over lunch, during this unusual time surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic we are offering two excellent virtual alternatives, each accompanied by a presentation by one of our advisors. These virtual packages have already been shared with hundreds of medical students across the country and have been well received.
1a) Live webinar. Hosted by the medical school on their platform, our patient speaker provides a live presentation of their journey with this disease, from symptoms through diagnosis and treatment, and life today, followed by real-time Q&A. Typically one hour in length, we are very flexible and work with the school’s desired date and time.
1b) Pre-taped patient video presentation. Jessica, one of our patient speakers, shares her journey with cardiac AL amyloidosis with medical students at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. She takes the audience through her early symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and her “new normal” life today, offering her perspective as a patient with a rare disease. Her emotional and compelling story is about 30 minutes long, followed by 10 minutes of Q&A from the students.
2) Clinical PDF on Diagnosing Amyloidosis. An excellent powerpoint presentation “Diagnosing Amyloidosis: From Cardiology to Neurology” by Dr. J. Mark Sloan from Boston University’s Amyloidosis Center, including patient and pathology pictures, and clinical diagnostic information.
We believe, and feedback confirms, these virtual packages are a compelling alternative to in-person that advances students’ knowledge of amyloidosis while sharing valuable insights from both the patient and clinical perspectives. These virtual packages can be customized to focus on other types of amyloidosis, organ involvement, and expert medical presentation topics to meet specific audience interests.
If interested in learning more, please contact us at asb.mm713@gmail.com.