The Amyloidosis Speakers Bureau (ASB), founded in 2019, arranges for ASB patient educators to speak about their diagnostic and treatment experiences with medical students. In 2023, we published a study to understand the impact from the addition of the patient voice to didactic medical education. The study concluded that listening to an ASB patient educator’s narrative was associated with positive attitudes toward communication with patients, interest in acquiring and applying knowledge of amyloidosis, and humility about diagnosis. Post-publishing, continued analysis of the presentation feedback made it clear that another benefit was occurring. During the ASB presentations, questions were repeatedly raised about what guidance the patients might offer to help these budding doctors become better providers and how they could improve their relationships with patients. Their inquiries had nothing to do with amyloidosis and were relevant to every interaction and all diseases. These future providers wanted to be better and wanted the patient’s perspective to help get there. Assessing their questions revealed an unexpected benefit from the patient presentations.